North Borneo Geek

I received an award!

An Award from Lizee that came from Chegu Carol which I thought I was not lucky enough to receive it, but then I did.

1. Ucap terima kasih & letakkan link orang yang memberi award ini.

Thank you Lizee for awarding me this award! :p

2. Nyatakan 7 perkara tentang diri anda.
  • When I was still a kid until my teen years, whenever I walk on a pavement block, I like to keep my step on each block without stepping on the boundary. Don’t get me? OK, the first block I will take two-step, the next one just one step, then third block two steps an so on. I also do that on walkways with colour pattern on it. The same goes with cracks on the floor. Sadly, I sometimes do that unintentionally till today. Something like the TV series Monk, only mine is under control.
  • When I was still young, I watched this one Malaysian children show and one of the characters drank something to gain superhero power and yelled ADUM APALEK! So naturally, I also yelled ADUM APALEK! Twenty years after that I just found out its KELAPA MUDA spelt backward!
  • When I was 15 or was it 16, but I know it was the time when MacGyver TV series was AWESOME, my uncle gave me a Swiss Army knife. Overnight I was called MacGyver because I brought it to school and the fact that I’m good at improvising something, much like my hero MacGyver. Hehehehehe
  • In school, my classmate called me Sei Man Chai (is that the correct spelling?) for the obvious reason. I was so short, nobody would notice me. Fifteen years after that, my classmate called me Liang Chai. Yes, you may vomit now.
  • My late mom used us as a guinea pig when we were kids. She bought this saloon product to perm her hair and tried it on us after convincing us that we would look cool. At school, we were mocked by our friends. It was the 80’s and “Sarang Tebuan” hairdo was in. We look like a dork, perm on the top, straight at the back. My mom? Oh, she perms all her hair after seeing the end result on us.
  • I’m used to be shy in the present of hawtness. It took me one particular book to loosen me up an become the person I am now. The person 7 years back is not the same as the person who is writing this. But my shyness finds its way back to me when I first met “Uma Thurman”. Damn!
  • Every year, until I started wearing a spectacle, my ambition was very consistent. I wanted to become a Pilot, an Engineer, a Scientist. After that, frustrated, I have to settle with Engineer, Scientist, Computer Programmer. And what do you know, I’m an Engineer who is a computer geek who loves to watch Discovery Channel Science! How cool is that? HAHAHAHA
3. Pass kepada 15 orang award ini.

So it has been a while since I last give any award, so I give this award to


4. Beritahu kepada 15 orang yang bertuah ni bahawa diorang dapat award ni.

I’m giving you guys this award for giving me a very interesting writing; apart the fact that I only have you guys on my list.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

12 thoughts on “I received an award!

  • Hehehe…So funny…no 1, 2 and 5..And I thought I was weird! LOL!

    Eh, liang chai, you didn’t mention the name of the book that was responsible for our transformation la. Do share 😀

    Another funny post Paival. Nice. 🙂

    • owh… hahaha it was “How To Succeed with Women”. it really boost up my confident and some insight on what you ladies look for in a man.

  • HAHAHA! so this is the ‘Award’ huh?!
    damn i have to think what i should write now.
    but the whole story bout u is so funny owh!!!
    i like the part when ur late mom using u guys as a test run. akakakaka….

    and the last part. the job thingy 🙂

    • cool eh? but i still plan to get myself a “wing”. yeah! do the tag ya.

  • Yeah, I thought I was weird. Ada juga kawan haha.

    But Pai, you haven’t learned the art of making people puke cos I didn’t. Hahaha.

    Ada simpan photo kah yg you with that karebo hair? 😀

    • oh, i’m getting there, slowly.

      i’m not sure if i still have that karebo hair photo. a lot of our photo was eaten by termites. but i will scan it if i find it, for viewing pleasure, or for a puke or two 😀

  • anduk bahhh…i burst into laughter reading tht mum-perm-my-hair part..apakahhh?? hahaha

    • apa boleh buat la. mummy don’t have a daughter yet so the boys will do lah hahaha

  • *writing down into top to-buy list*
    “How to Succeed with Women”
    hahaa~!! thanks for the award Pai!!
    i think it’s time for me to put some new post into my blog. 😛

  • HAHAHA! so this is the ‘Award’ huh?!
    damn i have to think what i should write now.
    but the whole story bout u is so funny owh!!!
    i like the part when ur late mom using u guys as a test run. akakakaka….

    and the last part. the job thingy 🙂

    • hahaha, and i think somewhere out there, mothers are doing the same thing with their sons. hey i might take up private flying lesson, just to fulfill everything 😉


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