North Borneo Geek

Make an end to 2009 is to make a beginning of 2010

I miss cycling at New Year eve. Last two years we would cycle to usher in the New Year. This year, I don’t feel like celebrating it. I have a few invitation; was even offered two VIP ticket to watch Stompin at Jesselton Point, but I declined it. I just don’t feel like celebrating new year. I feel bad leaving dad all alone at home. A friend of mine suggested to bring him along to Kinabalu Club. I don’t think he would go for that. So both of us just sat at home watching new year celebration on the tube and the kittens’ inquisitive antic.

These past few years has been a very bad year for me. I thought that the death of my fiancée was bad enough, but the lost of half my family on my mother side was even worse. Nothing that I can do except to pray for them, everyday.

I didn’t do much reading of books either; except for a few interesting blog, which I intend to carry it forward to this year. I’m going to slowly stop my dependency on Windows and start to use Linux more, and getting myself a new MacBook Pro. In fact, for these past days, I’ve been surfing for all the alternative application for both Operating System. This year would also sees me as a publisher, still in the working progress and I will blog it when it’s up and running.

I’m looking forward for my company trip to Macau scheduled for end of May. It’s not Macau that I’m aiming, its Disneyland at Hong Kong. Although my primary wish was to go to Disney World, but this would be a good start.

I’ll strive to make this year a GREAT year for me and wish a prosperous year for all you guys out there.

Cute video huh?

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

11 thoughts on “Make an end to 2009 is to make a beginning of 2010

  • OMG…u are obsessed wit the Disney Land thingy o.O hahhaa…the lil guy up there is undeniably aDorable even tho he’s jst fumBling the lyrics..hahaa..u tCare pai in these new yA 2010 😉 *Kudos to new Resolutions & all those in To Do List =P*

  • salam paival .. went to tambalugu just now .. missed arwah fatin so badly … hope you and the others are hanging alrite. stay strong.

  • Like your blog’s new look.
    Wishing you a great year this 2010..
    Disneyland… I want too!
    And oh… publisher?

    • yeah. need to make it look FRESH!. i’ll call you when everything is set up properly, the publisher thing 🙂

  • josiekupi

    Disneyland??? eiiiiii…….ikuttttt…hehehhehe….
    Have a wonderful new 2010…

    • bulii… sya bawa kau berjalan dalam blog sya. Happy New Year to you too.

  • Jealousnya akuuuuuuu!!!!!! Disneyland lagi tu! Grrr…!!! Aku apply kerja tempat ko bulih ka? Siok eh free trip!

  • josiekupi

    yay..jalan2 dlm blog….hoorahhhh….. 🙂


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