North Borneo Geek
PhotographyTravel, Living & Adventure

Tiger show is looking hot!

It was Monday and it’s a public holiday. I woke up late so there goes my Tenom plan. I forgot t o set my alarm at 6, I was very confident that I could wake up at 6. I always do! Anyway, I don’t want to waste my day so I changed my plan. I did mentioned that I want to visit again Lok Kawi Wildlife Park on my previous post so here I am with my camera ready to shoot. People, before you go out, please make sure you have fully charged you battery; I was lucky enough that my battery didn’t died out on me while I was there. I was running low by the time I reach the Botanical Information Centre. I was there at 10:30 am and hoping that some of the resident are wide awake and active.

For those who still don’t know where it is located, it’s at Penampang – Papar Old road, I think about 15 minutes ride form Kota Kinabalu. The park is open to the public daily, including public holiday from 9:30 am until 4:30 pm. I was lucky enough to have watched the animal show at 11:15 am. That’s the only time they do the show by the way. Entrance fees are RM10 for Malaysian citizens and RM20 for foreigner if you’re 18 years and above while RM5 for Malaysia citizen and RM10 for foreigner if you’re 18 years below. School student wearing a uniform with application letter, handicapped and senior citizens 60 years and above Malaysia are free to enter this kingdom 🙂

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

I have a feeling that this peacock was a model in a previous life.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Yes, you can find that giant turtle together with the Peacock and Hornbill.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

I think the Malayan Civets are a bit camera shy that day.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

That Clouded Leaport must be dreaming of a very succulent juicy tender meat.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park


Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Right after looking at the elephants, I saw there was some comotion going on opposite to the elephants are. I went there and one of the park’s personnel was beckonning me to come it. I look at the notice at the gate and saw that they are having animal show at 11:15am until 11:45am and it was just started. Am I lucky or what?

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

This is actually a contest between man and beast. The person who volunteered to peel the old coconut husk was not that good looking and managed to peel a strand of the husk while the Orang Utan managed to beat him. I was part of the audience who chanting her name, I forgot her name though 😉

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Just before this snake was brought to the stage, guess where they put it? Among the audience ladies and gentlement. So it would be good if you remain at your seat and stop poking at any unfamiliar thing next to your seat!

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

There is also hornbill that swoop over your head to catch food thrown by the trainner and hornbill responding to trainers whistle. Except for the parrots who don’t know how to fly, both hornbill flew over the audience heads. Neat!

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Sad thing about her, she was originally someone’s pet before she was given to Sabah Wildlife. The others didn’t like her and she was always bullied by the others.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

They were pets since there were small and were kept on a small cage where it was not enough room for them to fly. Until today, they never learn how to fly even though they have beautiful long feathers to fly with. This show was aimed to educate the public, wild animals are meant for wild, not as pets.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

After the show, to the Aviary I went. 🙂


Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Went out of the Aviary and continued with the rest of the resident.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park
Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

I guess it’s a hot day so the tiger was just lazing around.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

I think they are the ones who bullied the Orang Utan earlier.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

These guys were camera shy!

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

I want to move it move it. He like to move it move it. She like to move it move it. You want to? MOVE IT!!!

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park


Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

They were also known as Dutch Monkeys. Did you know that? I only knew about it during the Zoom! KK City Tourism Treasure Hunt 2009 while trying to decipher treasure clue.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Went into the Botanical Garden after shooting this and this is when my camera’s battery went low.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

They also provide a picnic area, complete with barbeque place.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lets continue with the animals.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

They also have reptiles resident.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

I’m trying to show that the mud turtle was big. I guess you guys have to go there and have a look for yourself.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Small cute furry animals was also shown here. I know my sister would love to see this.

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

Lok Kawi Wildlife Park

I told a friend about me going here so I will be going here again with a few more friends. I must insist we go there before 10am.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

8 thoughts on “Tiger show is looking hot!

  • YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I wanna goooooooooo!!!!! Must bring ma “canon de barbarian” with me leh ;)…Bah when are we going there Pai? I can’t wait!!!!

  • booohhoo.. i want Otter’s picture!!
    nice shot btw but the only tiger show is lazing around. 🙂

  • Bah bring it on! YAYYYYYYY! =)

  • Been there err…twice. During that time no zebra, no that long horn wildcow, no hamster, no sun bear, no slow loris and no Mr Move it move it…haiya kena pigi balik ni… bah sound2 ah klu jadi pigi. I wanna bring my darling Niki…get her to know the wild things hehhe

  • I love zoo!! wildlife parks… watever names they are given. I love hippos and tigers *excited* I think they are sexy!

    • but there’s no hippos there. you can find them at hotel’s swimming pool hehehehehe


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