North Borneo Geek

Warm and fuzzy feeling looking at a button

It was almost 5:30 in the evening and I was thinking whether I should go and catch a movie or just went straight home to ride of this sinus of mine. Yes, it stated to acting up in the middle of the afternoon and its such a troublesome to watch a movie with a running nose; somehow at the back of my head I keep thinking my nose just jump out of my face and went off. But then again, I hate going through traffic jams. I open up my browser and started to check what movie is on.  I heard Benjamin Buttons was good, checked the synopsis and I find it quite interesting. When it says it’s a story about a man who was born in his eighties and aged backward, I say it’s a must watch. The scientist in me beckon me to go and watch it. Though the movie is at 8:45 in the evening and my watch was pointing its hand at 5:30, I said to myself, I could use that time waiting for the movie to catch up with my reading. Yeah, I haven’t finished reading my new book. So there I was, at Centre Point, gotten myself a Quarter Pounder meal for dinner, and Caramel Macchiato for my reading companion, which I think I didn’t even feel the time pass me by.

At the schedule time, I went in to theatre and watch the movie, watching with anticipation, to know how the baby would be born and how he died. That’s what matter to me before the beginning of the movie. I could have sworn I heard the daughter in that movie who started reading Benjamin’s diary that he was born on April 4th, 1918, maybe I’ll check it later after the movie. Little did I know, it was actually a romantic drama, not just some freak of a nature or some mistreated special human being drama. It’s a romantic drama. How I was fascinated with how he was brought up, surrounded with old folks and he blend right in because he looked like most of them, old and frail. At a young age, he has the chance to inherit a lot of wisdom, bring forth by the folks in the retirement home. Oh, am I spoiling the movie? Sorry, my post contain spoiler so you might want to stop reading now and watch it first.

There are a few funny moment, the ones that I remember was when he had his first sex, although he had in at a brothel, the streetwalker was out of breath just because he looked old but perform like a young steed. He was a think aged 16 or 17 at that time; it is expected from a young man. The other was when he had his first drink and got drunk; this was after he went back from the brothel. The old men who keep getting lightning strike keep me smiling every time he tells his story.

What mesmerizes me the most was his love story. How should I say this? It made me feel fuzzy and warm deep inside. The moment where Benjamin and Daisy had their first date struck me, how they capture that precise moment is the same feeling I get when I was with the object of my affection on our first date. I smiled at that scene. From that scene and onward, I smiled through out until at the end of the movie, where Daisy took care of Benjamin who are at almost the end of the movie became a baby, look at Daisy for the last time and blowing his last breath.

I hope I didn’t spoil too much to those who haven’t seen the movie. I enjoy watching that movie very much and wouldn’t mind watching it back again. Even though my knee was sore from sitting to long; the movie was 2 hours and 45 minutes long, it didn’t really bother me. But it reminds me of a girl whom I still have an interest with after all this while, the person who I gave two cacti on Valentines Day. 😉

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

7 thoughts on “Warm and fuzzy feeling looking at a button

  • oh ya…i’ve seen the preview on TV. i have no problem with spoilers sebab ndak juga dpt p tinguk wayang huhuu…

    • tunggu dvd version ready for download la hahahaha. memang best, i give it 4 1/2 stars out of 5

  • Yeah, I’d love to watch this movie too. Will have to wait for the ‘download’ version to be available 🙂 Must be a tearjerker kan this one? ..must be sad to see him die as a baby..

    • tear jerker maybe, but i didnt cry. unless it was optimus prime :p

  • DewiNuwa

    although im so much into brad pitt and his movie, your last paragraph amused me more. two cactus pai? i mean two?? didnt we have conversation about girl and cactus before? two? hahahahha.

    • love is a risky business bah, its a fact hahahaha. ngam la cactus :p

  • DewiNuwa

    errr… true also. love indeed is a risky business. So hence the two cactus la kan.. hehe. Hopefully she read between the lines…of two cactus…


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