North Borneo Geek
HilariousTravel, Living & Adventure

No frill experience

It happened a few years back, I think it was 2005. I was going for a trip to Kuala Lumpur taking Air Asia. Mind you, although at that time Air Asia had long started their “No Frills” campaign, this was my first time boarding their aircraft, namely Boeing 737-200. All this while I only heard what everybody said about their seating arrangement, their complaint and what not, plus I got inside information, thanks to my Air Asia ex-girlfriend. You don’t want to know the detail. It has been long forgotten. All this while I have only been inside Malaysia Airlines, for business and pleasure.

So here I am, queuing up at the check-in counter, went inside to the departure hall, hopping so much that I don’t bump into my ex. Yeah, even though I was with Erlinna at that time, I still hate her. That was back then, we are still friend now, even had lunch together last year. Anyway, they say its free seating, so I didn’t really bother myself to queue in front of the line. What’s important is that I can sleep during the entire duration of the flight. Boarding their aircraft, I was among the last few who boarded last. I saw there’s an empty seat front row on the right side next to the isle. On the left was a family taking up 2 row of seat.

During the flight; this was when you can still tapau KFC and eat in the cabin, the family I mentioned before was enjoying their KFC. The cabin air was filled with Colonel Sander’s chicken aroma and a member of this particular family was granny. While this family was enjoying their meal, this granny went up from her seat, walking slowly to the front, I assume she want to use the toilet. Rather than going straight, she just make a really short walk and turn to the cabin door. THE CABIN DOOR? My eyes were wide open when I saw this and the family member was still enjoying their meal. I started looking to the front and back, looking for the cabin crew, can’t seem to find them. Hello!!! Am I the only one who notices what’s going on? I’m sure she can’t open that big heavy door but years of watching movies keep me thinking it may happen. I grab hold on the seat handle instinctively, double checking on my seat belt. She was already in front of the cabin door, tried to open the door when the rest of the family member noticed her and directed her to the correct door.

Phew! Can you imagine what would happen if she really could open the door? Everybody was busy minding with their own business when suddenly its windy inside the cabin, papers flying all over the place, the rest of the family members still enjoying their meal, just munching away and all I could hear and see was the granny saying while opening the door, “Is this the toileeettttt.……………… *WOOSHHHH*”. A short while after that, the cabin crew came rushing to close the door back, and apologize for what had happen not realizing that the poor granny was still outside holding on to the plane’s tail asking “Sunny, why the toilet is is so windy? I don’t like this toilet. Sunny? Sunny!!!” Funny eh? I didn’t get to sleep that entire flight.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

6 thoughts on “No frill experience

  • that is one scary experience. my knees would’ve buckled if i were in your position.

  • uish!! lesson from the story.. always buckled up so that you might still stay in the plane if a granny accidently open up the cabin door.. whoosshh!! where’s my wig!!!??

  • HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!! this is a really funny one, Pai!

    • it does huh? raking my brain for any funny experience that i have.

  • oh my GoD!!! crazy!! scary n funny!!!

  • this is really funny n scary.. not that i’m laughing at the poor granny.. i’m just kinda picturing the whole sceme LOL ^^


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