North Borneo Geek

How old is too old?

I watched Gol & Gincu The Series on boxing day and the topic was dating older man. Oh my god this geek watched drama!!! This geek was testing out Hypp.TV bah, and the drama was on. Plus I happen to like the movie, plus I like to look at the chicks in it hehehe.

Anyway, in that particular drama, this girl was dating someone, and she introduce him to her parents, and they rejected him. Why? I didn’t why know until the part came where she introduced him to her best friend on their double date. He was older, not sure by how many years, but from the looks of it, WAY older. I must admit, that story did hit me a bit. I was offended by it. Was it that bad? I mean really bad? I used to dated someone, we were 8 years apart; we got engaged, nearly got married. And my course mate over in Johor Bahru married to his wife, 10 years apart even. But with my case, even though we are 8 years apart, when we were together we looked like 4 years apart. Looking younger that your age does have its advantages. On a normal day, those pesky sales person next to a particular shop wont even bother to approached you to sell stuff because they think I’m just a mere student. At times, when buying a movie ticket, the nice young lady would ask me “Student card?” and with a blank face would answer “Don’t have one.”.

Anyway, I guess it depends on the situation itself. If I was 20 years old dating a 12 year old girl, that would be totally wrong man! REALLY WRONG! But if she’s 19 and I’m 27, what’s wrong with that? What if I’m say… 35 and I’m dating a 20 year old girl. Would that be considered wrong too? Not that I’m seeing one, it’s just an example. Okay? I guess in general people would think that older man would want just one thing only and one thing only which is sex. But then again, all man does! In that drama I think the girl’s parents was worried about that. Can’t blame them actually, they just doing what all parents do, worrying.

So what do you guys think? This post I dedicate to a late 30’s friend of mine who wants to settle down, I pray that you’ll find someone this year and settle down.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

9 thoughts on “How old is too old?

  • Quote: “This post I dedicate to a late 30’s friend of mine who wants to settle down, I pray that you’ll find someone this year and settle down.”

    macam aku tau siapa tu tau. si Jadda ka? hehehe ya semoga dia berjaya. gambatte kudasai!

  • oh on my personal opinion, i am not against the idea of opting someone WAY older as a spouse. there’s nothing wrong with that. it’s just the community’s opinion and perception and that can go down the drain. we lead our own life, no? so why must bother with other people say? 😉

    • ya, tapi kalau parents tu perempuan sampai kurung anak atau nda mau merestui hubungan derang, kesian juga kan? uishh… nasib baik c jadda nda baca blog sya HAHAHAHAHA. sama2 kita doakan utk dia hehe

  • Much older man best ma. Personally I would go for at least 4 years older than I am. Tapi tu kalau ideal la… all this ~love~… very unpredictable wan.

    • what if 20 yrs or more apart? kau ok?

  • I think it should be up to the couple. If they are comfortable with it, why not? It is only wrong when one of them is under age. I don’t know what is considered under age in Malaysia but usually it is 17 years old or less. If both of them are adults, and they can think for themselves, they know they both can overcome everything, go ahead.

  • i do think its up to the both of them, if they’re happy w it, then they should continue w it.

    they should live for themself,for what that makes them happy,

    life is too short, to live out for everyone else…

  • DewiNuwa

    how old is too old? for me if the man/woman is old enough to be your parents then that’s it. I’m talking about serious case of pedophile here guys. I dont believe that love has anything to do with it. Just imagine having a husband that born only a year or two apart from your parents. Weird…

  • rin-chan

    Pai, if 20 years apart I would call the guy – Cradle Robber hahahahah..


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