North Borneo Geek

Lets do the ‘Beyonce’

I was having my shower when I heard Beyonce’s Crazy in Love. I do the hip movement thing when it happens, I sprain my back. Yeah right. Are you nuts? That’s not what happens. I was just having my shower, not listening to anything. Then I sneeze. That was when I felt a jolt of pain from my back. OK that new, never felt that before. I try to bend over. @#$%^&* what the hell? Oh man, I need to go to the clinic. I got out from my bathroom, get dressed, touch up a bit (well you never know a cute nurse might be there hehe) and ask my dad to send me to the clinic.


A few things did crop up on my mind when I first got the pain. At first I thought to myself, I not married, how can I have a back pain? And then I thought to myself, is there any cancer related to back pain? Going to search that on the net. Am I going to have the same faith as my late fiancée? Oh bummer. I wouldn’t be able to teach silat anymore. Darn!!!


Anyway, reached Klinik Kesihatan Luyang at about 8:30 in the morning; get a number, waited for my turn. Darn, no cute nurses. Get myself registered then went to designated room and wait again. All the time walking was not a problem. It’s getting on and off the seats that was giving me a problem. Alas, its my turn to see the doctor. Nothing much, just asked me what’s wrong, when did it happen, what happen, what kind of work that I do, asked me to stand up and try to bend, touched my spine, then write a prescription. Got a 1 day m.c. slip. Then off I go to get my prescription. I could have sworn I heard the doctor said the need to jab me. What I got was a pain killer and a muscular pain relieving ointment. That’s all? Oh okay. I need to get back to lie down. My back pain getting worse because of the waiting.


I think I reached home at about 11 a.m. and the pain is getting worse. Walking is such a burden, even worse if you have a double storey house. Dad helps me by getting the mattress down stairs and also helps bring down my laptop, which I have packed earlier. Here I am, on my back, on a mattress, in my living room, with my laptop, watching the tube. And getting to the toilet is such a chores. Nearly fainted on my first attempt. I need to hold on something to walk. Standing on my right leg and holding from my right hand is okay. It’s the left side that giving me a problem. I can’t stand pain you see.


Today, on my second day of pain, it’s getting better, getting to the toilet is not as hard as yesterday. I think I should be able to walk properly by tomorrow. I called my office; I need to extend my leave as I still couldn’t walk properly.  For now, I’ll just rest some more. Oh I wish the pain could go away much faster. I want to watch Transformer tomorrow. And a few notes to my workmates. No I don’t do the beyonce in the shower and no I’m not trying to look at my love bite at my back. But I like the thought. Keep it coming guys. Oh before I forgot, laughing to much, sneezing and coughing are related to your back muscle. I can feel the excruciating pain from it. Fancy that.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

2 thoughts on “Lets do the ‘Beyonce’

  • ish ish ish..muda2 dah sakit belakang..kurang minum anlene tuh.. 🙂


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