North Borneo Geek

Choose a Job You Love: Pursuing Your Passions for a Fulfilling Career

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” quote, attributed to the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, has become a popular adage about finding fulfilment in one’s career. In this blog post, we will explore the meaning behind this quote, why it is so important to find work that we love, and how we can pursue our passions to create a fulfilling and meaningful career.

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Travel, Living & Adventure

A Visit to Kebun Vanilla at Kinarut

Last week, on the third day of Aidilfitri, a friend asked me if I am interested to visit Kebun Vanilla.

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Events and Happenings

Skilled Artisan in Jesselton

Where can you find Kota Kinabalu’s finest artisan? Where else than The Jesselton Artisan Market (JAM), a marketplace showcasing our

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Events and HappeningsPersonalWeblogs

I Have High Diastolic Blood Pressure

My blood pressure reading, particularly my diastolic reading was too high. My systolic was also high, but it varies between reading.

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Wonder of 1984

This is not about the year 1984, nor is it about the movie Wonder Woman 1984. This is about someone who was born this very day in 1984. Spoiler alert for those who haven’t watched it, because I will touch on a very specific scene from the movie.

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Putting Myself Out There

Before you jump to the wrong conclusion, this is about me putting myself, or to be precise, my thoughts out

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My Unit Trust Investment as of 9th April 2021

My unit trust investment is at 20.69% as compared to 20.35% last week. Not doing portfolio rebalancing, my investment value would be at 43.69% How is your investment doing?

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